“ There is more than one color in the world, We standing for your dream color.”
Crayon Recreator is an innovative toy designed for children which aims at not only helping them to reduce the waste of the broken crayons but also gaining a better understanding of color properties and stimulate creativity during children development.
There is a issue that more than 120,000 pounds of crayons are made every day in this country and crayons are a petroleum-based product that shouldn't be going into landfills.
Crayon Recreator is an innovative toy designed for children which aims at not only helping them to reduce the waste of the broken crayons but also gaining a better understanding of color properties and stimulate creativity during children development.
There is a issue that more than 120,000 pounds of crayons are made every day in this country and crayons are a petroleum-based product that shouldn't be going into landfills.

Fact-the crayon is necessary for kids
-Coloring allows kids to explore a writing utensil that is fun and creative.
-Building on the fine motor skill areas, coloring can deepen a child's endurance in completing writing tasks.
-Creativity and Self-Confidence

- Final Product -